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Expert Roofing Company Near Houston, TX

Protecting Your Home With Our Eagle Eye Roof Company’s Vision

  • Clear Communication Every Step of the Way
  • The Best Materials to Protect Your Home
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
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Our Process

We are with you every step of the way, communicating clearly, and ensuring the job is done right leaving you worry and stress-free.

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Step #1

Contact Us

Reach out to us, and we'll set up a time to check the current condition of your roof.

Appointment Icon Outline

Step #2


After looking at your roof, we'll discuss budget + roofing options. Based on this info, we’ll start drafting our proposal.

Proposal Icon

Step #3


Once we have a signed proposal we'll begin work on your roof!

House Icon

Step #4

New Roof

We'll quickly finish work on your roof, and enjoy the benefits of a sturdy roof for years to come.

Jason Harley

our commitment to you

"We do everything in our power to earn your referrals long after the job is done."

Jason Harley

Owner & CEO of Eagle Eye Roofing, LLC

Types Of Shingles For Your Home

Our Values

We aren’t now, and never will be, driven by how much money we can make. We promise to serve you and the community with honesty and integrity.

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Core Value #1


When you hire Eagle Eye Roofing, we will honestly evaluate your needs and desires to formulate a plan of action that will get the end result you want and deserve.

Community Icon

Core Value #2


The work we do is driven by community and customers, not money and success. The people & communities that we serve are near and dear to our hearts, and serving them is an honor.

integrity icon

Core Value #3


Our goal is to bring the word integrity back to the industry and offer high quality work that is honest and transparent for our customers.

Empathy Icon

Core Value #4


Being from a small town himself, Eagle Eye owner Jason Harley has empathy towards homeowners who want a simple life and a home to match. A good roof can ensure their investment was worth it and their home and family are kept safe and sound.

business plans meeting
Texas Roofing

Choose Eagle Eye Roofing For All Your Roofing Needs

Let Eagle Eye Roofing Company put their eyes on your home and provide you with the best protection possible.

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